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제목(Main) Thermal conductivity of silicon dioxide at various temperatures
저자 Junjie Chen;
제공처 OpenAIRE 
리포지터리 OpenAIRE 
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    2022 해외 공개 CC-BY-4.0 English

Thermal conductivity of silicon dioxide at various temperatures

Thermal conductivity of silicon dioxide at various temperatures Junjie Chen;
Thermal conductivity of silicon dioxide at various temperatures Junjie Chen Contributor: Junjie Chen, ORCID: 0000-0001-5055-4309, E-mail address: komcjj@gmail.com, Department of Energy and Power Engineering, School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, 2000 Century Avenue, Jiaozuo, Henan, 454000, P.R. China Silicon dioxide, also known as silica, is an oxide of silicon. In many parts of the world, silica is the major constituent of sand. Silica is one of the most complex and most abundant families of materials, existing as a compound of several minerals and as a synthetic product. Notable examples include fused quartz, fumed silica, silica gel, opal and aerogels. It is used in structural materials, and microelectronics. Because silicon dioxide is a native oxide of silicon it is more widely used compared to other semiconductors like Gallium arsenide or Indium phosphide. Silicon dioxide could be grown on a silicon semiconductor surface. Silicon oxide layers could protect silicon surfaces during diffusion processes, and could be used for diffusion masking. The process of silicon surface passivation by thermal oxidation is critical to the semiconductor industry. It is commonly used to manufacture metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors and silicon integrated circuit chips. Thermodynamic temperature (degrees kelvin), Thermal conductivity (watts per meter-kelvin) 300 12, 6.80 311 11.1, 5.88 366 9.34, 5.19 422 8.68, 4.50 500 6.00, 3.90 600 5.00, 3.41 700 4.47, 3.12 800 4.19, 3.04;Contributor: Junjie Chen, ORCID: 0000-0001-5055-4309, E-mail address: komcjj@gmail.com, Department of Energy and Power Engineering, School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, 2000 Century Avenue, Jiaozuo, Henan, 454000, P.R. China
Contributor: Junjie Chen, ORCID: 0000-0001-5055-4309, E-mail address: komcjj@gmail.com, Department of Energy and Power Engineering, School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, 2000 Century Avenue, Jiaozuo, Henan, 454000, P.R. China

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