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오류신고를 진행 하실 데이터 정보를 담은 표입니다. 제목(Main) Semiconductor Laser with OpticaI Feedback 제목(Sub) 저자 Toomey, Josh;Kane, Deb; 제공처 OpenAIRE 리포지터리 OpenAIRE
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Semiconductor Laser with OpticaI Feedback
Semiconductor Laser with OpticaI Feedback Toomey, Josh;Kane, Deb;
Output power time series from an edge-emitting, multiple quantum well 830nm semiconductor laser subject to optical feedback. Time series recorded for different combinations of optical feedback level and laser injection current. Detection bandwidth 4 GHz and sampling rate 20 GSa/s.Full details here http://research.science.mq.edu.au/photonics-dynamical-systems/our-research/semiconductor-lasers-with-optical-feedback/bulk-optic-4-ghz-bw/This data set was recorded from an experimental semiconductor laser subject to optical feedback on 13/08/12. Laser wavelength ~ 830nm. External cavity round trip time 4.5ns. During the experiment, 2 system parameters were varied: the optical feedback level and laser injection current. - Optical feedback was varied by changing the RF power to an acousto-optic modulator (AOM) which varies the amount of laser power transmitted in the 0th order beam. A voltage between 0V-1V corresponds to maximum transmission (0V) and minimum transmission (1V). The actual power transmitted by the AOM is not a linear relationship with voltage. Relative feedback level can be approximated from the reduction in laser threshold. - Laser injection is controlled by directly varying the current supply to the device (Profile ITC510 Laser Diode Combi-controller). Laser was held at a constant 25C. The dataset contains 88,101 files containing output power time series recorded from the laser using a fast photodiode (Discovery Semiconductors DCS30S 22GHz) and 4GHz realtime oscilloscope (Agilent 54854A) for different settings of: - Injection (251 values = 45mA to 70mA in 0.1mA steps) - Feedback (351 values from 0.45V to 0.8V in 0.001V steps) The filenames consist of the AOM and INJ values at which the data was recorded: e.g. AOM_0.642V_INJ_45.2mA.h5 : feedback = 0.642 V, injection = 45 mA Each hdf5 file consist of a single dataset called 'TimeSeries'. This contains a time series of amplitude values measured as the voltage across the 50ohm oscilloscope input. Time series were sampled at 20GSamples/s (50ps per data point) and contain 20,000pts for a total record length of 1microsecond.<br>ReferenceJ. P. Toomey and D. M. Kane, 'Mapping the dynamic complexity of a semiconductor laser with optical feedback using permutation entropy,' Optics Express 22 (2), 1713-1725 (2014).<br><br>
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