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제목(Main) 120 years of Olympic history: athletes and results
저자 Randi H Griffin;
제공처 국가연구데이터플랫폼 
리포지터리 국가연구데이터플랫폼 
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  • 개인정보 노출방지를 위해 개인정보 내용은 가급적 자제하여 주시기 바랍니다.
  • 일방적인 욕설 및 부정적인 내용 작성시 원작자의 판단에 따라 신고자에게 피해가 발생할 수 있습니다. 깨끗하고 청렴한 서비스 문화를 위해 필요한 정보만 기재해주시면 감사하겠습니다.
    2021 해외 공개 CC-BY English

120 years of Olympic history: athletes and results

120 years of Olympic history: athletes and results Randi H Griffin(Boston Consulting Group (BCG));
This is a historical dataset on the modern Olympic Games, including all the Games from Athens 1896 to Rio 2016. I scraped this data from www.sports-reference.com in May 2018. The R code I used to scrape and wrangle the data is on GitHub. I recommend checking my kernel before starting your own analysis.

Note that the Winter and Summer Games were held in the same year up until 1992. After that, they staggered them such that Winter Games occur on a four year cycle starting with 1994, then Summer in 1996, then Winter in 1998, and so on. A common mistake people make when analyzing this data is to assume that the Summer and Winter Games have always been staggered.

The file athlete_events.csv contains 271116 rows and 15 columns. Each row corresponds to an individual athlete competing in an individual Olympic event (athlete-events). The columns are:

ID - Unique number for each athlete
Name - Athlete's name
Sex - M or F
Age - Integer
Height - In centimeters
Weight - In kilograms
Team - Team name
NOC - National Olympic Committee 3-letter code
Games - Year and season
Year - Integer
Season - Summer or Winter
City - Host city
Sport - Sport
Event - Event
Medal - Gold, Silver, Bronze, or NA
The Olympic data on www.sports-reference.com is the result of an incredible amount of research by a group of Olympic history enthusiasts and self-proclaimed 'statistorians'. Check out their blog for more information. All I did was consolidated their decades of work into a convenient format for data analysis.

This dataset provides an opportunity to ask questions about how the Olympics have evolved over time, including questions about the participation and performance of women, different nations, and different sports and events.
  • #sports
  • #history

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  • 데이터등록일 : 2021-10-22
  • 엠바고일 : ~ 2022-02-11

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