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제목(Main) Rat auditory fear conditioning quantified free fatty acid and phospholipid abundance data
제공처 ARDC 
리포지터리 ARDC 
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  • 개인정보 노출방지를 위해 개인정보 내용은 가급적 자제하여 주시기 바랍니다.
  • 일방적인 욕설 및 부정적인 내용 작성시 원작자의 판단에 따라 신고자에게 피해가 발생할 수 있습니다. 깨끗하고 청렴한 서비스 문화를 위해 필요한 정보만 기재해주시면 감사하겠습니다.
    해외 공개 English

Rat auditory fear conditioning quantified free fatty acid and phospholipid abundance data

Rat auditory fear conditioning quantified free fatty acid and phospholipid abundance data
This data represents the free fatty acid (FFA) and phospholipid (PL) response to auditory fear conditioning (AFC) across the rat brain in the presence or absence of a memory blocking agent. Four experimental conditions were used, each applied to a cohort of 8 rat: saline injected (control) animals, unpaired AFC stimuli (SU); saline injected animals, paired stimuli (SP); CPP (NMDA antagonist) injected animals, unpaired AFC stimuli (CU); CPP injected animals, paired AFC stimuli (CP). Tissue was collected from 6 brain regions CeA - central amygdala, BLA - basolateral amygdala, PFC - prefrontal coretex, DH - dorsal hippocampus, VH - ventral hippocampus, CB - cerebellum Lipidomics analysis using targeted LCMSMS was performed for FFA - free fatty acid, PA - phosphatidic acid, PC- phosphatidylcholine, PE - phosphatidylcholine, PG - phosphatidylglycerol, PS - phosphatidylserine Data contains the quantified abundance for each targeted lipid species for each of the 4 AFC conditions, 8 animals, 6 brain regions;2021, The University of Queensland;Open Access;Permitted Re-use with Acknowledgement
2021, The University of Queensland

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특성 정보

  • 주제분류 = auditory fear conditioning;AFC;rat brain;free fatty acid
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  • 46 조회수
  • 0 다운로드수
  • 추천수 0
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  • 인용횟수 0
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