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제목(Main) Synthetic Financial Datasets For Fraud Detection
저자 Edgar Lopez-Rojas;
제공처 국가연구데이터플랫폼 
리포지터리 국가연구데이터플랫폼 
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오류신고 접수 정보를 담은 표이며, 메일주소, 오류내용을 입력합니다.
오류신고 접수 정보를 담은 표이며, 메일주소, 오류내용을 입력합니다.
오류 구분
  • 개인정보 노출방지를 위해 개인정보 내용은 가급적 자제하여 주시기 바랍니다.
  • 일방적인 욕설 및 부정적인 내용 작성시 원작자의 판단에 따라 신고자에게 피해가 발생할 수 있습니다. 깨끗하고 청렴한 서비스 문화를 위해 필요한 정보만 기재해주시면 감사하겠습니다.
    2021 해외 공개 CC-BY-SA English

Synthetic Financial Datasets For Fraud Detection

Synthetic Financial Datasets For Fraud Detection Edgar Lopez-Rojas(EdgarLopezPhD);
There is a lack of public available datasets on financial services and specially in the emerging mobile money transactions domain. Financial datasets are important to many researchers and in particular to us performing research in the domain of fraud detection. Part of the problem is the intrinsically private nature of financial transactions, that leads to no publicly available datasets.

We present a synthetic dataset generated using the simulator called PaySim as an approach to such a problem. PaySim uses aggregated data from the private dataset to generate a synthetic dataset that resembles the normal operation of transactions and injects malicious behaviour to later evaluate the performance of fraud detection methods.

PaySim simulates mobile money transactions based on a sample of real transactions extracted from one month of financial logs from a mobile money service implemented in an African country. The original logs were provided by a multinational company, who is the provider of the mobile financial service which is currently running in more than 14 countries all around the world.

This synthetic dataset is scaled down 1/4 of the original dataset and it is created just for Kaggle.
  • #finance
  • #crime

데이터 생성 이력정보

  • 데이터등록일 : 2021-10-25
  • 엠바고일 : ~ 2022-02-11

특성 정보

  • 주제분류 = 경제/경영
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  • 333 조회수
  • 0 다운로드수
  • 추천수 0
  • 공유수 0
  • 인용횟수 0
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